You’re the expert on you.

Working together, we will powerfully connect you to that expert, so you are able to hear, listen to, and honor the truth that is yours.
We’ll uncover and clear away the internalized messages and adopted facades that didn’t originate from you and draw out, amplify, and fortify your voice to rise above the fray of all the others so you can identify and embody the life that is yours.

Believing in an innate right to your feelings, wants, and needs is foundational to transformation. Without it, you remain vulnerable to being buffeted about by outside forces and abandoning yourself to them again and again.

If somewhere inside us, we believe that who we are is not okay, then how can we believe that we even have a right to think what we think, want what we want, be who we are?

Sometimes, this leads to making choices that don’t work even when it feels like you’ve thought them through.
Sometimes, you know what you want in a relationship but then set it all aside to try to make something work.
Sometimes, you know something is off but can’t quite put your finger on what it is.
Sometimes, you know what is the problem is but tolerate a toxic situation.
Sometimes, you endlessly ruminate, unable to make a decision at all.

Imagine what it would be like to:

…let go of people pleasing.

…stop wondering “is it them or is it me?” (Trick question: it doesn’t have to be either.)

…make decisions without the cycles of questioning and turmoil.

…set boundaries that honor your needs and values.

…know, connect to, and respect who you are so deeply that you move through your life with clarity.

…shed invalidating, undermining, or false messages about your being.

…take control of the story about who you are.

…leave behind what’s not right for you and step into what is.

In our sessions…


You will discover:

  • which beliefs, feelings, or perspectives are yours and which are not but have become embedded at an unconscious level

  • how to make sense of what you find out about yourself and your truth

  • how that understanding informs your relationship choices

  • what specific next steps are right for you

We will:

  • uncover, access, and activate the answers and resources you already have within

  • equip you with new tools, exercises, and resources

  • transform your life with a deep awareness of, embrace of, and trust in your feelings

  • illuminate your path forward

  • anchor you in the enduring knowledge that your peace resides in the truest expression of who you are